Get APRS Alerts from

Did you know can send you alerts when a station goes off-air or on-air? Just visit and add a station under “Stations I follow” From there, you can edit the settings to send you emails when certain events happen....

Clone Raspberry Pi SD Card on a Mac

It’s pretty easy to clone a Raspberry Pi SD Card on a Mac, but takes a LONG time (32GB took 3 hours to backup and 10 hours to restore via my iMac). Open the terminal and find your disk id#. Run:   diskutil list To Back It Up sudo dd if=/dev/disk2...
Kenwood TH-D74 Battery Life Using APRS

Kenwood TH-D74 Battery Life Using APRS

I recently bought a Kenwood TH-D74 for hiking and APRS use. I had seen anecdotal complaints about the battery life around the web, but had not seen any real world data. So I setup a test and timed the battery performance. I started with a fully-charged, stock 1800mAh...