MERIDN Digipeater Decommissioned

Sadly, I am moving to Eagle and had to take the MERIDN digipeater off the air. SHAFER has great coverage now and so a fill-in digi isn’t really needed. I’ll implement an Igate at the new house for routing packets to APRS-IS.

APRS to SMS Gateway

Did you know you can send/receive messages from APRS to the SMS network? Super easy. Just compose a message to: SMSGTE Start the message with @(the destination phone number) (space) (short message). Example, if I want to send the message “test” to phone #...

Easy Digi PTT Settings IC-2300

I use an Easy Digi interface between my Icom IC-2300, Direwolf & APRX. Here is my PTT string for my direwolf.conf file for Push To Talk: DEVICE plughw:1,0 ACHANNELS 1 CHANNEL 0 MYCALL MERIDN MODEM 1200 #IC-2300 PTT /dev/ttyUSB0 DTR RTS AGWPORT 8000 KISSPORT 8001...