Get APRS Alerts from

Did you know can send you alerts when a station goes off-air or on-air? Just visit and add a station under “Stations I follow” From there, you can edit the settings to send you emails when certain events happen....
Mag Mount vs Drilled Hole (NMO) for APRS

Mag Mount vs Drilled Hole (NMO) for APRS

I’m always looking for better APRS coverage. I’ve had a Tram mag mount on my 2014 Subaru Forester for two years. Of course, everyone recommends drilling a hole in your roof instead. Most everyone claims they can hit repeaters they’ve never been able... – An Alternative to – An Alternative to

Like most folks, I use for most of my APRS needs. But a friend recently made me aware of a new website that also plots APRS packets on Google Maps, and I like it even better for some scenarios: Check it out and let me know what you...